ASchoolrunBYtrollsWhat would you do with me in a red dress? If I were Hungarian, you would put me in the pan. would you look at my thighs jo husos would you tie my hands to my ankles, would you relax my muscles with husKloffolo. You would fry me
I can't believe the fat cook forgot to stuff her pussy with breaded dressing with celery and mushrooms. She should be fired.Immediately, as head head cook and hire celebrity chef Rachel Ray dress in thong and topless of course.
Nice thick, White Rump Roast and Ham. Looks absolutely delicious. Can't wait for her to be split roasted and marinated in her piss and butter. I'll eat the asshole stuffed with banana, dipped in chocolate for dessert please. I love her little pigs feet. They look delectable. I'd love to see celebrity chef Rachel Ray, dressed in a thong and topless prepare for the final feast
Nice thick, White Rump Roast and Ham. Can't wait for you to be split roasted and marinated in your piss and butter. I'll eat your asshole stuffed with banana, dipped in chocolate for dessert please.